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User:Anna Frodesiak/IRC

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CONNECT: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/




/server	Sign on to a server	/attach irc.freenode.net
/server irc.freenode.net
/nick	Set your nickname	/nick YourName
/j	Join a channel	/join #en.wikibooks
/j #en.wikibooks
/msg	Sends a message (can either be private or to the entire channel)	Message the channel: /msg #en.wikibooks hello world!
Send a private message: /msg JohnDoe Hi john.
/whois	Display information about a user on the server	/whois JohnDoe
/clear all	Clears a channel's text.
Clears all open channel's text.	/clear
/clear all
/away	Sets an away message. Note: Type /away again to return from away.	/away I'm away because...
/me	Sends an action to the channel. See example.	The following:
/me loves pie.
would output to the chat in the case of JohnDoe:
JohnDoe loves pie.
/quit	Disconnects you from the IRC network. You can also quit with a quit message.	/quit Off to bed.
What happens: JohnDoe has quit (Off to bed)