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User:Cag317/St Marie's RC Church, Bury

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St Marie's

St Marie's Roman Catholic Church is a Parish of the Diocese of Salford and is located near the centre of Bury, Manchester, England.

It should not be confused with St Mary's Parish Church of the CofE.


Catholicism in Bury[edit]

St Marie's was dedicated in 1842 and is the first Catholic Church in Bury.

Before the founding of St Marie's, and up until 1825, the Roman Catholic population of Bury received pastoral oversight in Rochdale until Fr Michael Trappes obtained a room in Clerke Street, where Mass was offered.

The first resident priest was Fr. Peacock, whose oversight spanned Bury, Heywood, Radcliffe, Elton, and Tottington. The Church substantially standing today was opened in 1842.

In 1861, the then Parish Priest, Canon James Boardman (1852-d1880) laid the foundations of a new parish in Moorgate by purchasing "The Old Rag Shop" - an old marine store in Walmersley Road. This was the foundation of St Joseph's RC Church, Bury.


The tower contains a digital bell system, currently unused. The building was declared a "Gem Church" by the Bishop of Salford, Rt Rev Terence J Brain, in 1984.

The "Liturgical East" end of the Church underwent extensive reordering in the wake of Vatican II. The remainder of the Church, including the green tile detail, wooden flooring and Narthex, remain largly unaltered.

Attached to the Church is the former Rectory, now used as Parish Hall.


The present, replacement instrument was installed in 1967 by Jardine & Co, and is under care of Sixsmith & Sons. As a pastiche, it consists of four ranks, playable over two manuals and pedal board. The second manual is unenclosed and the 8' Trumpet is en chamade.

The instrument is very well suited to the building and is in good working order, with the extended 8' Trumpet able to "solo" above the rest of the organ.

Liturgical Reforms[edit]

Vatican II[edit]

The Vatican II Council of 1962-1965 prompted a hasty and noticable reordering of the Church's interior. These changes included moving the Tabernacle to a niche previously used as a side chapel; creation of a Side Chapel on the "Epistle Side" of the High Altar; removal of the Rood, some [[Altar Rail] | Altar Rails]]; and creation of a new, smaller Altar at the edge of the Sanctuary to replace the High Altar.

The Liturgy at St Marie's is according to the Roman Rite - with the Ordinary Form being used for most Masses. In accordance with the rubrics of the Council, the music for the Mass places Gregorian chant at the centre of worship,(with well known congregational English hymns). The organ is the only instrument used during worship at St Marie's.

Summorum Pontificum[edit]

In accordance with Pope Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum," the Extraordinary form of the Roman Rite (Also known as the Tridentine Mass) was reinstated as a weekly Mass in 2008, with Missa Cantata (Sung Mass) on the first Friday of each month.

Amalgamation with St Joseph's[edit]

In July 2009, St Marie's was twinned with St Joseph's RC Church to create one, larger parish, under one Parish Priest. As of August 2009 each Church remains individually dedicated, referred to as "St Marie's and St Joseph's" and remaining associated with their respective Catholic Schools.

Parish Priests[edit]

Prior Incumbent Previous Incumbent Current Incumbent
Fr Anthony Lawton Fr Paul Carr Fr Francis Wadsworth
19?? - 2006 2006 - 2008 Parish Priest

External Links[edit]

http://mariesgem.blogspot.com/ - St Marie's Blog