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Somebody suggested I write an autobiography. Don't know how far this will go, since I'm doing it backwards.

COVID-19 has hit different people differently. For me, it has much exacerbated my loner tendencies. Hours upon hours, days and months, meeting very few people, seldom going out except for food. I'm accustomed to meeting with a few clubs, monthly or more often. Plague precautions have eliminated them including my astronomy club and Wikipedia events, especially editathons. Some bicycle clubs meet outdoors for a ride, less frequently than in normal times and wouldn't you know it, often they are on the same day as one of my Wikimedia Zoom sessions. Why pay high rent for a small apartment slightly outside Manhattan's theater district, except for convenient access to fun?

One bit of excitement, on 2 February 2022 I was at the computer in the bedroom as usual when the bigger room's ceiling fell with a roar. Gypsum board all over the floor and furniture. Cautious of a claim of injury, the landlord brought in a quick, efficient repair crew. Of course I had to pretty much empty the room, which meant heaps of stuff filling my bedroom, which meant sleeping on the big room's floor on blankets. Inside the week, the old ceiling was demolished and removed and the new ceiling planned and installed. Highly efficient crew. Alone again, I am not so efficient; one shoe is still missing and various other items. I'll eventually figure where they went.