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Hi! I am a very very new user, I am still getting acquainted to Wiki. I am very excited to start helping and hope I can be of some help. I think I will mess up a lot, but hope those mistakes will be small and easily corrected.

My Pages[edit]


Sandbox If you would like to see what I've been working on, reviews are much appreciated, but unnecessary at this point, as I don't have much to review.

About me[edit]

I really love to perform. I can be the most awkward person, but on stage I always feel like I belong. I am a youth circus performer! I juggle, unicycle, and do many other circusy things.

I am a busy student. I am taking many extra classes because I wanted to. And am in many extracurriculars.

I don't think I will be that active here just yet. Once I learn how things work I will try to do more, but it may be a few years till I am able to be on daily. I hope to be as active as I can.

I listen to Kpop and some Vocaloid and Nightcore. I would be very interested in helping out on pages related to those. I'l have to see what's needed most.

What I hope to work on[edit]

  • Kpop
  • updating kpop group pages
  • vocaloid
  • creating the nightcore page
  • Acting
  • other music
  • sciences (mostly biology as that is what I am studying)
  • Circus
  • Harry Potter various
  • Other books
  • Various randoms
  • Other...

Will update more when time permits. I love it when people talk to me! <3