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User:Paul August/Idaea (mother of the Kuretes)

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Idaea (mother of the Kuretes)

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In Greek mythology, Idaea was, according to Diodorus Siculus,[1] Her husband, named Zeus (not the Olympian god Zeus) was the king of Crete, who had named the island Idaea after his wife.

She was the mother, by her husband, of the Kuretes (Κουρῆτες) Kuretes, were the armed dancers who would guard the infant Zeus in a cave on Cretan Mount Ida.


To Do[edit]



Diodorus Siculus[edit]


Cronus, the brother of Atlas, the myth continues, who was a man notorious for his impiety and greed, married his sister Rhea, by whom he begat that Zeus who was later called "the Olympian." But there had been also another Zeus, the brother of Uranus [p. 283] and a king of Crete, who, however, was far less famous than the Zeus who was born at a later time. 2 Now the latter was king over the entire world, whereas the earlier Zeus, who was lord of the above-mentioned island, begat ten sons who were given the name of Curetes; and the island he named after his wife Idaea, and on it he died and was buried, and the place which received his grave is pointed out to our day.


When the valour and fame of Dionysus became spread abroad, Rhea, it is said, angered at Ammon, [p. 319] strongly desired to get Dionysus into her power; but being unable to carry out her design she forsook Ammon and, departing to her brothers, the Titans, married Cronus her brother. 2 Cronus, then, upon the solicitation of Rhea, made war with the aid of the Titans upon Ammon, and in the pitched battle which followed Cronus gained the upper hand, whereas Ammon, who was hard pressed by lack of supplies, fled to Crete, and marrying there Cretê, the daughter of one of the Curetes who were the kings at that time, gained the sovereignty over those regions, and to the island, which before that time had been called Idaea, he gave the name Crete after his wife.
